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2024 Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest is Open/ How To Enter (Prize: $3500)

Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest currently seeks poems laced with humor for the 22nd year.

Wergle Flomp is a creation of poet David Taub. Mr. Taub submitted “Flubblebop” to poetry.com’s former (and not very selective) contest to see what would happen. The Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest is hosted by winningwriters.com and they seek today’s best humor poems from writers all over the globe. 

Eligibility For Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest

  • No fee is required for entry.
  • Published or unpublished works are both acceptable.
  • There is generally no restriction on age of author.
  • Authors from all countries eligible, except Syria, Iran, North Korea, Crimea, Russia, and Belarus (due to US government restrictions). 

Submission Guidelines

  •  The length limit of the poem should be 250 lines maximum.
  • The poem you submit should be in English. Ultimately,  inspired gibberish is also accepted. 
  • Please submit using the verified link. 
  • Submit one humor poem. This poem should be your original work.
  • You may submit the same poem simultaneously to this contest and to others, and you may submit a poem that has been published or won prizes elsewhere. (However, please do not submit a poem that has previously received recognition at Winning Writers.)
  • Entries are judged anonymously. Please omit your name and all identifying information from your entry.
  • Do not also include a cover letter. Please also omit any publishing credits from your entry.
  • Evidently, all necessary information is collected on their online entry form .
  • Poems written with the aid of a text-generating AI such as ChatGPT are especially not eligible. However, if you have employed an AI in a way that gets really funny results, please email info@winningwriters.com for a ruling on the eligibility of your entry.
  • You are especially advised to read past winners to view the writing style for accepted entries. 


  • First Prize, $2,000 cash plus a two-year gift certificate from our co-sponsor, Duotrope (a $100 value)
  • Second Prize, $500 cash
  • Ten Honorable Mentions, $100 cash each.
  • All entries that win cash prizes will be published on the Winning Writers website and announced in the Winning Writers Newsletter (circulation 50,000+).



The submission deadline is April 1, 2024. It is open as of August 15th, 2023.

Also, if you have questions, send an email to the contest administrator at info@winningwriters.com. 

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam writes prose fiction and creative non-fiction. She is the founder of creativewritingnews.com. Her first novella, Finding Love Again was published by Ankara Press. Her second novella, The Heiress' Bodyguard was shortlisted for the Saraba Manuscript Awards. She currently works as content marketer for various online businesses. You can follow her at @cwritingnws.

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