Unidentified Funny Objects (UFO)/ How to Submit (Payment: $0.10 per word)
Unidentified Funny Objects is an annual anthology of humorous science fiction/ fantasy stories, with past contributors including G. R. R. Martin, Neil Gaiman, Mike Resnick, among others. For the 8 issue of the anthology, they want very humourous speculative stories – either flash fiction pieces or short fiction, as well as non-traditional narratives. They pay $0.10 per word, and will accept submissions until April 30, 2020.
- Writers from anywhere in the world.
- There is no submission fee.
How to Submit:
- Submit a short story of between 500 – 5000 words.
- The short story must use a strong humorous element.
- The file format should be Doc. or RTF.
- Use 12 pt., Times New Romans or Courier.
- No simultaneous, multiple submissions or reprints.
- Don’t send stories including zombies, vampires, or Djinns.
- Only one submission per author.
- Your submission should be titled by the story.
- The deadline for submission is April 30, 2020.
- Send submissions to ufoeditors@gmail.com.
- UFO pays $0.10 per word.
- And a contributor’s copy.