Trollbreath Magazine Is Accepting Submissions/ How To Submit (Pay: $25 – $150)
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Trollbreath Magazine Is Accepting Submissions/ How To Submit (Pay: $25 – $150)

Trollbreath Magazine is a speculative fiction journal seeking original fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and cover art for their quarterly electronic issues. Their interests are as varied as the endless amount of genres. 

They have a particular fondness for slipstream and fabulism in all their delightful forms, but what motivates them most are great stories by wonderful authors eager to share their visions of the past, the future, the in between, and everything that lies outside the margins. Coloring beyond the lines is encouraged.


Submission Guidelines For Trollbreath Magazine


  • Submission periods follow a quarterly schedule.
  • Only one submission per author at a time is allowed.
  • Simultaneous submissions or multiple submissions are not accepted.
  • Response time is typically within 60 days.
  • AI-generated stories are strictly prohibited, and authors attempting to submit them will face consequences outlined by the magazine.


What Trollbreath Magazine Wants


  • Trollbreath will consider original short stories from 1500 words up to 7500 words.
  • Their preference is for short stories between 4,000 and 5,000 words, so the closer you are to that, the more likely they will be to purchase your work.
  • They will consider reprints which were previously not available online (if readers can already access your story without paying for it via webzine or podcast or your blog, etc., they’re not interested).

Submitting a story

  • Please email your story as an attachment to
  • When attaching your story, make sure it is in Microsoft Word .doc or .docx formats only. Stories in any other format will be deleted unread.
  • Your email subject line should read: Short Story Submission – Name Of Story, Your Last name
  • Please do include a short bio in your email and indicate if your story is an original or a reprint.
  • Do not tell them about your story, but do tell them a little about yourself, your background, your work, previous story publications you’ve had, or awards you may have received.



  • Trollbreath is open to original, unpublished poetry of any length that falls within the bounds of speculative fiction.
  • Please feel free to send up to five poems at a time for consideration, all within one document.

Submitting Poetry 

  • Please email your poem(s) as an attachment to
  • When attaching your poems, make sure all of them are included in a single Microsoft Word file with .doc or .docx format only.
  • Poems in any other format will be deleted unread.
  • Your email subject line should read: Poetry Submission – Name of First Poem in Document, Your Last Name
  • Please include a short bio in your email.
  • Do not tell them about your poem(s), but do tell them a little about yourself, your background, your work, previous publications you’ve had, or awards you may have received.



  • Trollbreath Magazine is open to a wide range of articles on topics of speculative fiction, geared to both writers and readers.
  • They are interested in reviews of all types (movies, novels, video games, writing tools, cons), interviews, constructive criticisms of the movie/publishing/television/media industry, discussion of a current scientific advance, and so on.

Submitting Non-fiction 

  • Please email your article idea (not the article itself) to
  • In the body of the email, please detail your topic and what you plan to cover.
  • Your email subject line should read: Non-fiction submission – Your Last Name
  • Please include a personal bio with any relevant information about yourself, or about the topic.
  • Links to previous articles you have written, even if they reside on your own personal blog, are helpful when they make a decision.


Eligibility Criteria

  • Submissions must adhere to the specified length and format guidelines.
  • Only original works or reprints not previously available online are accepted.
  • Authors must agree to the specified payment rates and rights agreements.


Author Rights

For original works, Trollbreath Magazine requests first printing rights in English for three months and non-exclusive inclusion in any yearly anthology.

For reprints, they request first printing rights in English online, reverting all rights to the author once the paywall period ends.



Submission deadline for the Fall & Winter 2024 issues is May 31st, 2024.

Submission periods are as follows:

May 1st, 2024 – May 31st, 2024 (Fall & Winter 2024 issues)

September 1st, 2024 – September 30th, 2024 (Spring 2025 issue)

December 1st, 2024 – December 31st, 2024 (Summer 2025 issue)

Submission periods will follow a March, June, September, December rotation going forward.



  • $0.04/word for original fiction.
  • $25 for poetry.
  • $40 for non-fiction articles.
  • $150 for cover artwork.


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