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The Economic Hardship Reporting Project (EHRP)/ How To Pitch (Pay: $800–$1,500)

The Economic Hardship Reporting Project (EHRP) is a nonprofit organization that commissions journalism centered around income inequality and poverty in the United States. 

EHRP supports independent journalists through grants and partnerships with major media outlets, focusing on stories that address economic class, workers’ rights, and income disparity.

Read: How To Write A Story

Submission Guidelines

Before submitting through the Pitch Portal, ensure you have the following items ready:

  • A well-researched, brief pitch of less than 500 words.
  • Include a nut graf that clearly explains the central thesis.
  • A strong voice, with supporting data.
  • A brief description of the sources you plan to use, with preference for character-driven stories.
  •  A clear focus on class/economic inequality (U.S.-based stories only).
  • A letter of commitment from a major national publication (template available).
  • Links to three clips of your previously published work.
  • A link to your website or portfolio (optional).
  • Links to your active social media accounts (optional).
  • Your resume.
  • You might want to read this article on Tips For Making Your Writing Perfect.
  • For photographers: low-resolution images (72 dpi) with captions in the metadata or an attached caption document.

Let them know if your story has been covered by other news outlets, and explain how your piece will differ.

What EHRP Wants

The Economic Hardship Reporting Project is particularly interested in stories about:

  • Economic inequality in the U.S.
  • Housing and eviction
  • Gig and frontline work
  • Union activism and labor organizing
  • Tech’s impact on work
  • Reproductive rights
  • Parenting, caregiving, and unemployment
  • Queer/trans working-class experiences
  • Stories related to income inequality and elections
  • Additional areas: religion, immigration, health, education, aging, disability, and race

Eligibility Criteria For The Economic Hardship Reporting Project

To apply for a grant, journalists must:

  • Have reporting experience and be previously published
  • Submit three clips of published work
  • Provide a letter of commitment from a major media outlet (exceptions are made for some financially stressed journalists with well-developed pitches)
  • Be able to collaborate with EHRP in promoting the final product


EHRP provides the following rates:

  • News stories: $8001,500
  • Narrative features: $1.00$1.25 per word (up to $2,500)
  • Personal essays or op-eds: $7501,500
  • Investigative reports: $1.00$1.25 per word (up to $2,500)
  • Nonfiction comics or illustrated works: $5002,500
  • Photo essays: $500/day, typically capped at five days
  • Audio projects: $1,5004,000
  • Short documentaries: typically supported up to $5,000
  • Travel grants: up to $2,000

Additional Information

  1. Journalists may also apply for grants to cover travel expenses and must be ready to file multiple drafts if needed. 
  2. When collaborating with EHRP, writers are encouraged to suggest other journalists, promote their work, and include EHRP in their official bio.

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