The Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center Fellowships (Up to $85,000)
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The Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center Fellowships (Up to $85,000)

Applications are now open for the 2025-2026 Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center Fellowships. The Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers offers international fellowships to researchers and creatives whose work requires access to the unique collections at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building situated at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street. The Library boasts unparalleled resources in various fields, including social sciences, humanities, and more, making it an ideal destination for in-depth research and scholarly pursuits. This opportunity includes academics, independent scholars, novelists, playwrights, poets, and visual artists developing book projects. 

The Cullman Center Fellowships review


Eligibility For The Cullman Center Fellowships

  • The Cullman Center’s Selection Committee awards fifteen Fellowships a year to outstanding scholars and writers—academics, independent scholars, journalists, creative writers (novelists, playwrights, poets), translators, and visual artists. 
  • Foreign nationals conversant in English are welcome to apply.
  • Candidates for the fellowships will need to work primarily at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building. 
  •  People seeking funding for research leading directly to a degree are not eligible. 


Requirements for The Cullman Center Fellowships 

  • The Cullman Center looks for top-quality writing. It aims to promote dynamic communication about literature and scholarship at the very highest level—within the Center, in public forums throughout the Library, and in the Fellows’ published work. 
  • The Center may give up to five Fellowships a year in conjunction with the American Council of Learned Societies.
  • Candidates for joint fellowships must submit separate applications to the New York Public Library and to the American Council of Learned Societies. 



  • Successful applicants receive a stipend of $85,000. 
  • The use of an office with a computer, and full access to the Library’s physical and electronic resources. 
  • Fellows work at the Center for the duration of the Fellowship term, which runs from September through May.
  • Each Fellow gives a talk over lunch on his or her current work-in-progress to the other Fellows and to a wide range of invited guests. They may be asked to take part in other programs at The New York Public Library. 


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Deadline: Apply for the Cullman Center Fellowships by 27 September, 2024


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