The ALCS Tome-Gallon Trust Award 2020 (Prizes: $1500) / How To Apply
Submit to the ALCS Tome-Gallon Trust Award, a short story prize that is worth $1000. The prize is “financed by a bequest made by Miss Nellie Tom-Gallon in memory of her brother and generously supported by ALCS.” It is open to a short story writer who have had at least one short story accepted for publication. The prize is opened until the 31st of October, 2019; it will be awarded at the annual Society of Author’s Awards ceremony in 2020. The 2019 prize was won by Dima Alzayat for the story “Once We Were Syrians”, with Bunmi Ogunsiji, a Nigerian-British London-based writer, being the runner-up for her story “Blessing”.
Who is Eligible to apply for the ALCS Tome-Gallon Trust Award?
- Applicants must be ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom, Commonwealth, or the Republic of Ireland.
- They must have had at least one short story accepted for publication.
How to Apply to the ALCS Tome-Gallon Trust Award
- Submit a single story of not more than 5000 words.
- Include the word count on the first page, and each page must be numbered.
- Submissions must be in English; translations are not eligible.
- Submissions may be published or unpublished
- Submissions must not have been previously submitted for the ALCS Tom-Gallon Trust Award.
- File name format should be: Prize Name_Story Title (e.g. ALCS Tom-Gallon_The Garden Party)
– Do NOT include the author’s name in the file name. - Submissions for the prize closes by the 31st of October, 2019 at 5pm (GMT).
- Submit here.
The winner will receive $1000.
The runner-up will receive $500.
Good luck!