Small Wonders Magazine Is Open To Submissions/ How To Submit (Payment: $0.10/word – $60/poetry)
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Small Wonders Magazine Is Open To Submissions/ How To Submit (Payment: $0.10/word – $60/poetry)

Small Wonders Magazine is currently open for original or reprint flash fiction and original poetry. This is a great opportunity for short story and poetry writers that want to publish their works in a reputable magazine and also earn some money in the process.

Submission Guidelines For Small Wonders Magazine

  • They accept flash fiction of 1,000 words or fewer. They are a little more lenient on word count for reprints than originals but their limit there is 1,100 words.
  • They are looking for speculative fiction with elements not of this world. These elements include fantasy, science fiction, horror.
  • Their very favorite stories are those that do not rely on a twist or “gotcha” ending. They love stories with big feelings, and do not necessarily mind set pieces with very little plot.
  • For poetry, they are primarily looking for narrative poems. That is, poems that tell a story, either directly or through strong implication.
  • They do not mind form poetry, but their favorite poems tend not to rely heavily on rhyme. They welcome poems over 50 lines.
  • Playful language and big feelings are both appreciated. However, they are not looking for reprint poetry at this time. 
  • For your flash fiction, please submit a .docx or .rtf file per the Modern Manuscript Format: double-spaced; 12pt Times New Roman or other serif-type font (not Courier); 1″ margins; black font on an unadorned, white background.
  • You do not need to include your mailing address or phone number on the cover.
    Include a cover letter with the length of your story, your publishing history (if you have one—it is fine if you do not!), and any other relevant information.
  • If your story relies heavily on formatting or visual elements, please include that information in your cover letter.
  • You may submit stories you are currently submitting elsewhere (simultaneous submission).
  • You may submit at most one original story and one reprint at a time (multiple submissions).
  • If your stories are rejected, please wait seven days before submitting new stories.


Additional Information

  • You may also submit poetry and stories at the same time.
  • Please submit each poem in its own .docx or .rtf file. You do not need to include your mailing address or phone number.
  • Include a cover letter with the length of your poem(s), your publishing history (if you have one—it is fine if you do not!), and any other relevant information.
  • If your poetry relies heavily on formatting or visual elements, please include that information in your cover letter.
  • You may submit poems you are currently submitting elsewhere (simultaneous submission).
  • You may submit up to three poems at a time (multiple submissions).
  • If you submit more than one poem, please put each of them in a separate document.
  • If your poems are rejected, please wait seven days before submitting new poems.
  • You may submit stories and poetry at the same time.
  • If your story or poem was generated by AI or machine learning models, do not submit it to them.
  • Click here to access their Submission form.


Original flash fiction: $0.10/word.

Reprint flash fiction: $0.01/word or $10, whichever is more.

Poems: $60

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