She Writes Press STEP Manuscript Contest 2023 is Open/ How to Apply (Awards: $9,500+Book Deal)
She Writes Press and SparkPress are looking to grant two talented writers of color a mouth-watering publication deal. So pull that manuscript out of your desk, dust it off and query these publishers.
Who knows? Your eloquently written book might win the next She Writes Press Toward Equality in Publishing (STEP) manuscript contest.
Eligibility Guidelines for the She Writes Press STEP Manuscript Contest 2023.
- There is no FEE TO ENTER
- One entry per person.
- Open to the all countries and regions.
- Entries for the  program are accepted from June 5, 2023 through August 15, 2023.
- Entrants must be above eighteen
- Women only (Any writer identifying as female/woman, trans, non-binary, or genderqueer.)
- Women of color (by which we mean people whose heritage is African, Indigenous to the Americas, Latinx, Asian/Pacific Islander, Arab, or people of mixed racial heritage with one or two parents who fit into the above groups).
- Agented or unagented work qualifies
Submission Guidelines for the She Writes Press STEP Manuscript Contest 2023Â
- Send your best work as winners will be selected on the basis of the merit of each entry.
- This merits consist of a query letter, full chapter summaries of your story and the first 50 pages of the work. You can also submit a query letter and a full-length nonfiction book proposal.
- They will ask as part of the submission process that you tell them about your heritage or background.
- Make your submissions here
Prizes/Awards for the Winners of the She Writes Press STEP Manuscript Contest 2023
The prize is valued at $9500 with the following:Â
- Custom interior design for up to 100,000 words
- Custom cover design
- E-book file conversion and upload to 130+ distribution partners
- Traditional distribution to the trade via Publishers Group West (Ingram Publisher Services)
- Proofreading of your final manuscript
- Copyright filing and obtaining your Library of Congress control number
- Warehousing of short-run printed books
- Preordering and fulfillment of all orders
- Support and shepherding of your book through the production schedule and post-publication by your assigned editorial manager.
Since 2018, the organizers of the She Writes Press STEP Manuscript Contest 2023 have played a role in the much-needed elevation of writers of color..
Good luck.