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Quill And Parchment Is Accepting Submissions/ How To Submit

Quill And Parchment is a haven for writers seeking to share their voice with the world. With a focus on fostering originality and creativity, they provide a platform for writers to showcase their talent and connect with readers.

Submitting your work to Quill & Parchment offers an opportunity to share your voice with a supportive community of writers and readers, whether it be poetry, book reviews, or shorter fiction and non-fiction pieces.



Submission Guidelines For Quill And Parchment 

Submitting your work to Quill & Parchment is a straightforward process, but it is essential to follow these guidelines:

  • All submissions should be included in the body of your email. No attachments are accepted.
  • Begin your email subject line with “SUBMISSION/” followed by the month and type of submission (e.g., Poetry, Book Review). This ensures your submission is properly categorized.
  • Poems should adhere to Quill & Parchment’s preferred formatting guidelines to streamline the submission process. 
  • Ensure your poem is left-aligned without excessive indentations.
  • Featured poets are requested to submit portfolios of unpublished poems that align with Quill & Parchment’s themes.
  • Address your submission to:

Sharmagne Leland-St.John


Michael Escoubas


What They Want

Quill & Parchment seeks submissions that embody the unique voice of the writer and resonate with readers. Here’s what they’re looking for:

  • Writers with a distinctive voice capable of articulating their stories effectively.
  • Submissions should be original pieces created specifically for Quill & Parchment, fitting the announced themes.
  • Poems should follow the specified format to facilitate the templating process.
  • Submit your work well in advance of the deadline, ideally before the 15th of the month for themed issues.
  • Please, ensure your submissions are spell-checked and edited for content before sending them in.


What They Don’t Want

While Quill & Parchment celebrates creativity, there are certain types of submissions they prefer to avoid:

  • Avoid waiting until the last minute to submit your work, as this may impact the evaluation process.
  • Poems that do not adhere to the preferred formatting guidelines may be reformatted by the editorial team.
  • Once a poem is accepted for publication, it cannot be withdrawn. This allows for efficient templating and artwork creation.


Eligibility Criteria


  • Quill & Parchment welcomes submissions from writers of all backgrounds and experience levels. 
  • As a community-driven platform, diversity and inclusivity are valued.
  • Also, there is no entry or reading fee.


Author Rights


Upon acceptance, authors grant Quill & Parchment the right to publish their work online. While submissions are unpaid at present, membership fees contribute to hosting and production costs.




Submission deadlines vary depending on the theme or type of submission. For themed issues, aim to submit before the 15th of the month to ensure timely consideration.





Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam writes prose fiction and creative non-fiction. She is the founder of creativewritingnews.com. Her first novella, Finding Love Again was published by Ankara Press. Her second novella, The Heiress' Bodyguard was shortlisted for the Saraba Manuscript Awards. She currently works as content marketer for various online businesses. You can follow her at @cwritingnws.

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