Lounloun Magazine is Accepting Submissions/How to Submit (Payment: TBD)
Lounloun Magazine is a new magazine seeking African fiction pieces set in historical events.
Lọúnlọún( pronounced as /luh-woon-luh-woon/) is a Pan-African literary journal dedicated to amplifying the voices that resonate with the unique cadence of our shared history.
They are currently focused on fiction with an aim to uplift the voices of African writers, both home and abroad, but with a twist—stories rooted in the profound tapestry of historical events that have shaped our continent.
General Submission Guidelines
They accept only submissions in fiction and this may be subject to change with time. Before submitting, you should learn the intricacies of writing stories.
- Fiction: 2000 – 5000 word range.
- Only original pieces will be considered. Previously published pieces are not accepted.
- Submissions should be in Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced, and submitted in Word document format.
- Submissions should be in English, or translated to English. Writers are however allowed creative freedom with the expression of their languages.
- Submissions must be based on an event that has happened on the continent, or affected the continent, regardless of where characters in the telling are located.
- Submissions must have at least two references, with links, to the historical events in telling.
They accept simultaneous submissions, but let them know promptly if your work is accepted elsewhere.
- To submit your work, send an email to submissions@lounloun.com with the subject ‘Fiction Submission.’
- In the body of the email include your third-person bio and attach the story.
- Please ensure the story has references and is in Word document format.
Eligibility for Lounloun Magazine Submissions
African writers, and those of African descent, home and abroad.
Payment for Lounloun Magazine submissions
As of now, they are unable to appropriately compensate their writers, but stick around.
The deadline for submissions is February 23, 2024.
For more information, ensure to check out the magazine’s social media page.