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Why have I decided to hold the first live creative writing workshop in Enugu? Because there is a need for creative writing mentors, and I yearn to meet that need. I want to increase access to creative writing education.

When I began writing seriously, I craved the guidance and direction of a more established writer. I wanted to know what creative writing mistakes to avoid, how to make progress and so on. Thankfully, Chimamanda Adichie gave me that opportunity in 2010, when I attended her workshop. I have moved upwards from then on.

Because a lot of people have been asking for workshops and creative writing classes, I will be organizing one. Please make out time to attend the workshop at the Ofuobi African Development Centre, Agric Bank, Enugu. The event will hold on Friday 25th November, 2016, from 9AM to 2PM. I’ll bring few copies of the How To Write Fantastic Short Stories Manual as well as copies of Finding Love Again. Feel free to book via email , if you’d want copies reserved for you.

Registration will commence at the venue two hours before the event.

Creative writing workshop in Enugu.

Spread the word. You might make someone happy.. See you tomorrow. Bye

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam writes prose fiction and creative non-fiction. She is the founder of Her first novella, Finding Love Again was published by Ankara Press. Her second novella, The Heiress' Bodyguard was shortlisted for the Saraba Manuscript Awards. She currently works as content marketer for various online businesses. You can follow her at @cwritingnws.