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Ibua Journal 2020 Continental Calls For Poems and Stories/ How To Apply (Prize: $550)

Ibua Journal has commenced it’s call for its Ibua 2020 Continental Call themed Bold: Imagining a New Africa.

It is known that the media is awash with Western narratives of Africa Rising, but Ibua journal is keen to see the imaginations of this Continent’s people through this Call.

So that by this call, they make it possible for the people and Continent to express their hopes and desires for the continent. These expressions can be shown in the Short Story or Poetry categories.

Writers are to learn how to channel everything happening around them into their creative works. 

All submissions should be set in an African country, city or village.

The Ibua Journal is an online magazine of literary fiction, poetry, memoirs, essays, critical review, and features by writers living in the African continent. We provide African writers with a regular platform for sharing their stories with the world.

Reasons To Submit To The Ibua Journal 2020 Continental Call for Submissions  

  1. The winning story and poem will receive a cash prize of $300 and  $100 respectively.
  2. The Shortlisted stories and poems will receive $100 and $50 respectively. The shortlist is a total of 5 per category.
  3. All Long-listed stories and poems will be published in the anthology Bold: Imagining a New Africa (E-book) and in the Ibua Journal.


Ibua 2020 Continental Call
Image by Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma’aji

How to Submit To The Ibua Journal 2020 Continental Call For Submissions.

  1. Only one submission can be entered per author per category (Short story or Poem).
  2. Submissions should be inMicrosoft Word Format as follows: Font: Calibri Light; Font Size 12; Line Spacing 5.
  3. Submissions must be previously unpublished and in the English language.
  4. Submissions should include Bold: Imagining a New Africa on the cover page.
  5. Entries should be between 6,000 – 10,000 words.
  6. Writers must be living in any African country.
  7. Writers should be 18 years and above.

Note: The submission deadline Sunday 8th November 2020.

Terms and Conditions

  1. The editors have a right to accept or reject any
  2. The organizers’ review window runs for 30 days from the close of submission.
  3. Longlisted submissions (10 per Category) will undergo further revision if necessary. All writers are encouraged to keep an open mind during this Editorial process.
  4. A shortlist will be determined from the Final submissions at the end of the Editorial process. Short-listed stories and poems (5 per category) will receive a Cash Prize.
  5. Submissions must be sent through the Ibua Journal web submission portal: 

Wondering what to write about? You can get unique writing ideas from podcasts and recently published stories online. We’ve reviewed a few here and here.

Get more writing tips from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and other facilitators of the 2018 Purple Hibiscus Creative Writing Workshop.

Good Luck!

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam writes prose fiction and creative non-fiction. She is the founder of Her first novella, Finding Love Again was published by Ankara Press. Her second novella, The Heiress' Bodyguard was shortlisted for the Saraba Manuscript Awards. She currently works as content marketer for various online businesses. You can follow her at @cwritingnws.

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