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Existere Magazine Literary Submissions/ How To Submit (Pay $50-$250)

The Existere Magazine Literary Submissions is now open for interested writers. Existere Magazine (Journal of Arts and Literature) is known to publish biannually. It is a Canadian magazine that publishes twice a year through York University’s Writing Department in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 

The Existere Magazine Literary Submissions is open to poetry, short stories, articles, book reviews, essays, interviews, art, and photography from contributors around the world. They offer a fall/winter issue and a spring/summer issue.

If you are interested in in in earning from essay writing, poetry, short stories, articles, book reviews, interviews, etc, then this is an amazing opportunity.

Submission Guidelines 

  • Only previously unpublished work will be considered. Simultaneous submissions are welcome.
  • Please ensure that literary submissions are fewer than 3500 words.
  • Due to the overwhelming volume of submissions, Existere will only contact authors whose work we have accepted. If accepted, Existere will need to confirm that the work has not been published elsewhere. Unfortunately, Existere cannot respond to emails inquiring about the status of submissions.
  • Please submit your poetry, fiction, or nonfiction through the submittable link on their website.

More About Submittable 

“Submittable” is a software used by thousands of organizations to build customized online submission and application forms, as well as to review submissions and communicate with “submitters.’

All you have to do is go to manager.submittable.com/login, or Existere Magazine’s submittable subdomain login page. Click on the sign-in with Google button. 

Please note that if it is your first time signing into Submittable with your Google account, you will be prompted to enter your Google username and password.


Copyright remains with the contributor who is free to resell their work six months after publication (noting “Existere” as the first publisher) unless granted an earlier release by the journal.

Existere also retains the right to reprint, publish in electronic editions to include this work in any anthology without further compensation.

Payment for the Existere Magazine Literary Submissions

Existere Magazine pays authors $50 per accepted submission (maximum $250), along with a complimentary copy of Existere.

Any questions or concerns not covered above? Please visit the Existere Magazine website: @existere.info.yorku.ca for more information.

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam writes prose fiction and creative non-fiction. She is the founder of creativewritingnews.com. Her first novella, Finding Love Again was published by Ankara Press. Her second novella, The Heiress' Bodyguard was shortlisted for the Saraba Manuscript Awards. She currently works as content marketer for various online businesses. You can follow her at @cwritingnws.

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