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CRAFT Literary Submissions/ How To Submit (Pay: $100)

It does not matter if you are an emerging or experienced writer, CRAFT Literary is now open for submissions that focuses on the craft of writing and how the elements of craft make a story or essay shine.

CRAFT Literary explores the art of prose, celebrating all writers. Therefore, they feature works of fiction and creative nonfiction, as well as craft essays and interviews.


Submission Guidelines For Fiction and Creative Nonfiction

  • Their creative categories are open year-round to any emerging or established author.
  • More so, Submissions from international writers are accepted too.
  • They review simultaneous submissions but ask that you let them know immediately and withdraw your work if it is accepted elsewhere.
  • Previously published creative work will be considered as long as the writer retains the rights or second-publication rights can be obtained. They do not pay for reprints.
  • Each published creative piece will include an editor’s introduction as well as a craft essay (author’s note) by the writer. These essays will be requested upon acceptance. To read the author’s notes of previously published stories, please see the Fiction Section and CNF Section of their website.
  • Flash Fiction writings should be up to 1,000 words.
  • Short Fiction writings should be up to 6,000 words.
  • Flash Creative Nonfiction writings should be up to 1,000 words.
  • Creative Nonfiction writings should be up to 6,000 words.
  • Please review the guidelines in the submission form you choose for specifics about the genre. Some limits have been added in an effort to improve their response time.
  • Multiple submissions are no longer allowed. Please send only one piece per genre at a time. If your creative work is declined, you are expected to wait three months before submitting again to the same genre.
  • Any writer can have one piece of fiction (either short or flash), one piece of creative nonfiction (flash or creative essay), and one craft piece under consideration at one time.

Craft & Critical Writing/ Interviews

  • Submissions of polished craft and critical essays are accepted. For interviews, they accept completed pieces or pitches. Please do not send critical work about poetry. Also, please do not send personal essays (creative nonfiction) to this category.
  • Craft and critical essays range from 1,500 to 2,500 words concerning the craft of fiction or creative nonfiction. It is recommended that writers familiarize themselves with the CRAFT literary archive. Most essays published, offer a careful examination of craft elements in fiction or creative nonfiction.
  • For interviews and hybrids, they are interested in conversations with fiction and creative nonfiction writers focusing on the craft of writing. You may pitch in Submittable or query them for more information at; contact@craftliterary. com. They often schedule interviews well in advance, please contact us as soon as possible with your proposed interview.
  • They no longer allow multiple submissions. Please send only one piece per genre at a time but for this category, if your craft submission is declined, you may submit again to the craft genre immediately. You may have one piece of fiction (either short or flash), one piece of creative nonfiction (flash or creative essay), and one craft piece under consideration at one time.

Editorial Feedback Platform

CRAFT is proud to offer editorial feedback on creative short prose up to 6,000 words. They review flash fiction, short stories, flash creative nonfiction essays, and long-form creative nonfiction essays. They are happy to help you revise work for submissions, applications, and other opportunities.

Authors Right

CRAFT holds first serial publication rights for three months after publication. Authors agree not to publish, nor authorize or permit the publication of, any part of the material for three months following CRAFT’s first publication. For reprints we ask for acknowledgement of its publication in CRAFT first.


  • Selected authors are paid $100 for original flash
  • and $200 for original short fiction and creative nonfiction.
  • They do not charge submission fees, but are highly selective in what they choose to publish.
  • They also pay between $50 and $100 for original craft content.
  • Submission questions, concerns, and inquiries can be sent to: contact@craftliterary.com.

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam writes prose fiction and creative non-fiction. She is the founder of creativewritingnews.com. Her first novella, Finding Love Again was published by Ankara Press. Her second novella, The Heiress' Bodyguard was shortlisted for the Saraba Manuscript Awards. She currently works as content marketer for various online businesses. You can follow her at @cwritingnws.

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