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Copyhackers Is Accepting Pitches/ How To Submit (Pay: $300 – $1,000)

Copyhackers teaches people how to write copy that converts. They promise to help people write more persuasive, believable and usable copy. They want pitches related to copywriting for startups and marketers.

Writers are expected to send pitch emails to Copyhackers content strategist. They do not want unsolicited drafts. Guest contributors to Copyhackers enjoy the benefit of building their authority as well as great Facebook shares, tweets, backlinks, brand-development and signups to their lists.

Pitch Guidelines For Copyhackers

If you would like to contribute, please follow exactly these steps below to avoid ending up in the slush pile, where spammers, content farms, bad ideas and failed pitches go:

  • They only respond to posts that they would like to pursue.
  • They also accept 1 in 30 pitches, and only a third of those get published. Please do not be discouraged by this, all writers are still encouraged to pitch to them.
  • Pitches that fail to follow the directions clearly described on this page will be rejected or go unanswered.
  • All Copyhackers posts are peer reviewed. Peer reviews are the final step in the submission process. Until your post has had the sign-off of an objective third party, selected by the Copyhackers editorial team, it is not officially accepted for publication.
  • Nevertheless, they love awesome pitches and the writers who write them.
  • Please note that they delete any email that looks like spam or like they are from content farms.


Additional Information

  • STEP 1: Choose a topic you know a whole lot about.
  • Be sure you’re writing about something you can speak well to, because they want to be able to clearly answer the question, “Why is this person the right person to tell this story?” 
  • Use the fantastic Skyscraper Method by Brian Dean to dig deep on what’s been or being said about the topic of your choosing.

Or, to avoid wasting time guessing what they want to publish, choose one of these topics, which they’re interested in sharing on their blog:

  • How you launched, grew or shut down your business.
  • Writingblog posts that get freelancers hired.
  • Advanced techniques for freelance copywriters: negotiation, closing clients, networking.
  • Persuasion psychology.
  • Freelancing for lifestyle.
  • Freelancing for money
  • Conversion copywriting.
  • A/B testing
  • UX
  • UX vs UI vs copy
  • Product design
  • Identifying flaws in X
  • Adwords vs Facebook ads vs retargeting
  • Landing page copywriting
  • Reducing churn
  • Onboarding
  • Converting free / trial users to paid users
  • STEP 2: Work on that headline a bit more. This one might be a little bit critical.
  • STEP 3: Pick a fight or juxtapose 2 things.
  • You can choose to pick a fight with a concept or popular wisdom on a subject. You can say something everyone else is too scared to say. Or you can juxtapose 2 things people care about.
  • STEP 4: Send a pitch email to the copyhacker’s content strategist: lindsay@copyhackers.com

Submit A Guest Post

  • If they would like you to write the post for them, they will email you back within 5 days of receiving your inquiry. From there, you can write.
  • Note that you will need to support your points with data – even if you are telling your story, you will need screenshots and proof to make the post engaging.
  • Sites like DeepDyve give content marketers full access to crazy amounts of academic studies, so consider investing in services like that if you want to support your thoughts with [recent / not 1960s] data.

Eligibility Criteria

  • There are no entry fees.
  • Any writer can send pitches irrespective of their race, age, gender, etc.

How Much Does Copyhackers Pay Contributors?

They pay $300 to $1000 per post.

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam writes prose fiction and creative non-fiction. She is the founder of creativewritingnews.com. Her first novella, Finding Love Again was published by Ankara Press. Her second novella, The Heiress' Bodyguard was shortlisted for the Saraba Manuscript Awards. She currently works as content marketer for various online businesses. You can follow her at @cwritingnws.

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