19 Sep, 2024

Uncanny Magazine calls for Fantasy Submissions; (Award: Up to $4,800 per piece) —Submit

Uncanny Magazine is calling for fantasy stories written be writers that identify as disabled. Their definition of disabled is very broad hence, it may be a physical disability, learning disability,, intellectual disability, mental health disability, and neurodiversity. They are not necessarily looking for stories centered on disabilities, although those are also welcome. “We’re seeking fantasy […]

2 mins read

Top Remote Job Ideas To Consider in 2019

Are you a freelancer, searching for remote job ideas? Deciding your schedule the way you want, working from any place that has Wi-Fi and being your own boss—here are a few remote job ideas, and some advantages of a remote job. When working as a blogger or copywriter, you have the best opportunity to work […]

8 mins read


I believe that the best learning process of any kind of craft is just to look at the work of others. -Wole Soyinka I read 31 books in 2018. I read Memoirs, short stories, poetry collections, novels and self-help books.  Before 2018, I didn’t know that reading other people’s works had any benefits whatsoever. Let […]

5 mins read

Apply for the Frank O’ Connor International Short Story Fellowship; Worth €7,500 —

The Frank O’Connor International Short Story Fellowship is for writers who want to work on their manuscripts and who have experience in the coaching or teaching of other writers either through workshops and/or mentoring inside or outside a formal academic setting. The fellowship is made possible through the very generous sponsorship of Cork City Council […]

2 mins read

Eloquent Writing: 5 Tips For Becoming A More Eloquent Writer

There’s no magic formula to becoming a successful and eloquent writer. The first step, they say, is to sit down and write eloquently. Very little is said about how eloquent writing is actually achieved. An age-old writer’s clichĂ© goes like this: Apply the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair. That’s definitely […]

9 mins read

Are There Benefits To Writing A Novel With Translation In Mind From The Outset?

Are there benefits of writing a novel with translation in mind from the outset? Novelists know all about the challenges of writing prose in their native tongue. So much effort goes into creating a book that is engaging to the intended audience that most writers don’t have the energy to attempt to recreate their work […]

6 mins read

Apply For The Society Of Authors Grants —

The Society of Authors: Contingency Funds These grants are for contingencies, to help professional writers who need a boost. The grants can be for a variety of things, including replacing a failing computer or supporting writing careers affected by illness or a domestic situation. Specific grants are also available for poets and women journalists. The […]

1 min read

Nigeria’s Literary Sphere: The Major Highlights of 2018

By Izunna Okafor It is no longer a novelty that every calendar year wakes up and sleeps off with a natural book of many pages. Pages of dreams and visions, pages of imaginations and realities, pages of successes and failures, pages of joy and sorrow, pages of progress and regress, pages of victories and losses, […]

11 mins read

5 Tips For Publishing Your First Ebook

Publishing a book has never been easier: nowadays you don’t have to wait to get signed up by a major publisher, you can do it yourself! You can start by publishing your first ebook. As an author, you can publish your first eBook at no cost on top eBook publishing platforms such as Okadabooks, Smashwords, […]

7 mins read