Cross Country Magazine Is Accepting Stories/ How To Submit (Pay: €300)
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Cross Country Magazine Is Accepting Stories/ How To Submit (Pay: €300)

Cross Country Magazine is a reader-supported publication, and they rely on the voices of the pilot community to bring fresh, authentic stories to their readers.

Whether you’re into paragliding, hang gliding, or other aerial adventures, they want to hear your experiences. Here’s how you can contribute to the magazine and get published. But before that you might want to read this article on Tips For Making Your Writing Perfect.


Submission Guidelines For Cross Country Magazine 

They accept submissions on topics related to:  

  • Paragliding  
  • Hang gliding  
  • Paramotoring  
  • Speed riding/flying  
  • Miniwings  
  • Powered hang gliding  
  • Unique aerial experiences (wingsuits, balloons, rocketmen, even ancient Greek gods flying close to the sun)

How to Submit

Send your press releases, feature ideas, competition reports, or content submissions to or

File Formats:

Please submit high-resolution images in jpg or RAW format.

Videos can be sent via Dropbox, WeTransfer, or an FTP link (ask them for details).

Avoid sending low-resolution images or screengrabs.

What They Want

They are looking for high-quality, eloquent original content that showcases the thrill and beauty of free flight.  

Here’s what they love to see:  

Adventure stories: they want stories that are well-written and relatable, whether from a local weekend flight or an epic journey. 

Competition reports with detailed information on participants, winners, and notable flights  

Aerial photography that is striking and of high resolution, suitable for both print and digital  

Feature ideas that highlight unique experiences or perspectives from the world of free flight

What They Don’t Want

While they welcome a variety of content, there are some things they steer clear of:  

Low-quality images – No screengrabs, Instagram posts, or low-resolution phone pictures  

Pre-published content – they prefer original, unpublished material  

Overly promotional content – they appreciate stories with an editorial-first approach rather than direct marketing pieces  

Eligibility Criteria

  • Submissions must be in English and meet their quality standards  
  • You must have high-resolution, print-quality photos to accompany your submission  
  • For exclusive features, we ask for English-language exclusivity for 12 months.

Author Rights

They ask for exclusive publishing rights for 12 months. After that period, you’re free to share, sell, or republish your work. Please note that it may take some time to receive a response, so patience is appreciated.


They do offer payment for accepted submissions, though it may not be substantial. For a six-page article, they typically pay around €300. The payment depends on the length, quality, and placement of the article or photography.

Article Length For Cross Country Magazine 

For travel, adventure, and destination articles, they recommend:  

Length: 1,500 to 2,000 words  

Photos: 20-30 high-quality, well-curated images

For photo essays, submit around 30 images that tell a story. They’ll contact you for captions if needed. Once accepted, we will inform you which issue your piece will appear in.

How to Stand Out

The key to getting published in Cross Country Magazine is quality. Here’s what they’re looking for:  

  • Originality 
  • Great storytelling 
  • Stunning photography 
  • Relatability 

Interested in Writing a Book?

If you’ve got a bigger project in mind, like a book about flying, they’d love to hear about it. Send a one-page chapter plan (including chapter titles and summaries) and a writing sample to


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