Em-Dash Journal Is Accepting Literary Submissions/ How To Submit
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Em-Dash Journal Is Accepting Literary Submissions/ How To Submit

As summer peaks, Em-Dash Journal invites submissions for their Fall 2024 issue. Writers, artists, and thinkers are welcome to contribute to what promises to be a vibrant collection of literary and artistic works.

Explore their previous issues on their website for inspiration. If you are having a problem with your writing, please read this article: How to Overcome Writer’s Block (10 Tips + Personal Examples) 


Submission Guidelines For Em-Dash Journal 

  • They accept critical essays, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual art, focusing on works that engage with literature or literary studies.
  • Submit your text file in .docx or .doc, double-spaced.
  • Ensure high resolution for visual art.
  • Include your name, bio (or state if anonymous), and title of your work.
  • Email submissions to journalemdash@gmail.com by Friday, November 2nd, 2024.
  • Avoid submitting unrelated themes or low-resolution art, as they may not meet their publication standards.


What Em-Dash Journal Is Looking For

  •  They seek thought-provoking pieces that explore literary themes. 
  • They welcome visual art that complements the written word and works that may not fit traditional categories, as long as they engage with literature.


Eligibility & Author Rights

Submissions are open to all, including graduate students (please include program info).

Authors retain all rights; publication grants them the right to feature your work in print and online.



They currently offer no monetary compensation but provide a complimentary copy of the issue.


Additional Information 

They look forward to seeing your unique take on literary themes. For inspiration, consider Sheila Heti’s Pure Colour: 


“Now the earth is heating up in advance of its destruction by God… God appears, splits, and manifests as three art critics in the sky: a large bird, a large fish, and a large bear.”

In the meantime, their previous issues are available to read for free on their website. Submit your work and let your creativity soar!



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