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Online Creative Writing Class with NYT Bestselling Author Roxanne Gay Available On Skillshare—Register

I am a firm believer in lifelong learning. I am always looking for opportunities to learn from those who have gone before me.  I figured that joining offline and online learning communities would make it easier for me to learn from the best of the best in my field. And I can proudly declare that from Chimamanda Adichie’s creative writing workshop to the University of Iowa’s international writing program, every single class has made me a better writer.

I am happy to announce that Skillshare has launched a new creative writing class. Hurray! This class, titled,  Creative Writing for Impact: Looking Inward & Outward in Personal Essays, will be taught by award-winning author Roxanne Gay. I am so excited because I am a big rosy fan of Roxanne’s work. (Have you heard of her book, The Bad Feminist? It’s amazing.) I listened to her TED talk and knew I wanted to learn more from her.

What Will You Gain From This Writing Course?

  • A chance to learn from her thoughtful approach to creative writing.
  • An opportunity to have this New York Times bestselling author take your hand and guide you through the process of writing a personal essay. It is one thing to have a great story idea; it is another thing to know how to write a memorable personal story.
  • A chance to learn how to connect their personal stories to the important conversations in the world for the purpose of driving positive change
  • A chance to interact with the other participants of this class
  • and lots more

To be honest, this class feels like a free MFA program. Perhaps it is because Roxanne Gay has served as an Associate Professor of English at Purdue University since 2014. Needless to say that she has been teaching in the university’s fully funded MFA program. Plus I will learn a thing or two on how to write that award-winning personal essay for paying markets.

If you’ve ever wondered what it feels like to study for an MFA or BA in Creative Writing, this class will give you an idea. In this collaboration with Skillshare, Roxanne Gay will, in 8 insightful video lessons,

  • give her advice for aspiring writers of personal nonfiction;
  • discuss her favorite essays;
  • share detailed advice for writing, revising, and even publishing creative works.

How To Register For This Writing Course:

  1. New members can participate in this class completely risk-free for their first thirty days.
  2. Simply click,Creative Writing for Impact: Looking Inward & Outward in Personal Essays, to register for the class.

There are over 400 creative writing classes on Skillshare. Yes. You can watch classes by MacArthur winner Yiyun Li, renowned journalist Susan Orlean, and fantasy/ YA novelist Daniel José Older.

Thank me after you’ve attended the class. But don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section.

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam writes prose fiction and creative non-fiction. She is the founder of creativewritingnews.com. Her first novella, Finding Love Again was published by Ankara Press. Her second novella, The Heiress' Bodyguard was shortlisted for the Saraba Manuscript Awards. She currently works as content marketer for various online businesses. You can follow her at @cwritingnws.

2 thoughts on “Online Creative Writing Class with NYT Bestselling Author Roxanne Gay Available On Skillshare—Register

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