Chicken Soup For The Soul Is Accepting True Holiday Stories
Chicken Soup for the Soul is calling for submissions for their 2018 collection of true, heartfelt, holiday stories! Share your holiday experiences in a story. Your story should have elements of holiday traditions, humor, special memories and unique experiences shared with loved ones.
Deadline for submission is January 10th, 2018 and your stories should not be more than 1200 words. If your story/poem is selected, you’d be paid $200 plus 10 contributor’s copies. You reserve the copyright to your stories.
Click here to submit your entries
1. Your storytelling should be exciting, heartwarming or funny. It could be something that has happened to you or someone you know. Your story should be written in the first person and should be about yourself or someone close to you.
2. Tell your story in a way that will make the reader cry, laugh, get goose bumps or say “Wow!”
3. The story should start “in the action” and draw in the reader. Do not start your story with an introduction to what you are going to say, or end with a concluding paragraph about what you just said.
5. Don’t try fancy moves with tenses. Writing in the present tense about something that happened in the past rarely works.
5. Keep your story to 1200 words or less. Tighten, tighten, tighten!
6. Your story must be true. No fiction, no creative writing.
Chicken Soup for the Soul story is NOT a sermon, an essay, eulogy, term paper, thesis, letter or journal entry. It is not about politics or controversial issues neither is it a biography or testimonial. It is not a journalistic article about a third party that reads like a newspaper article and it is not an “as told to” story written by you for someone else. If you ghost-write a story for someone, that person’s name will be listed as the author and he or she can acknowledge your help in the bio section.
You can get full guidelines to apply for this call to submissions here.