The Rumi Review Is Accepting Prose, Poetry & Nonfiction/ How To Submit
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The Rumi Review Is Accepting Prose, Poetry & Nonfiction/ How To Submit

The Rumi Review is a literary magazine dedicated to amplifying the voices of writers of Middle Eastern descent. They are looking for poetry, prose, and creative nonfiction that narrate the burdens and beauties of Middle Eastern heritage.

They consider all writers regardless of age, experience, or any other designation, as long as they are respectful and conscious of our mission and the social realities behind it.Only 1% of people in the U.S. identify as Middle Eastern, yet the Middle East maintains an unremitting presence in American media.

These media depictions are often deeply prejudiced and inaccurate. This is why The Rumi Review (named after the Persian poet, Rumi) was created—a platform where Middle Eastern identity can truly be represented and celebrated. You might want to read this article on Tips For Making Your Writing Perfect.


General Submission Guidelines For The Rumi Review 

  • There are no restrictions on a submission’s subject or content.
  • They will not accept any work that is inherently prejudiced or oppressive.
  • They accept simultaneous submissions (as long as you inform them if your work is accepted elsewhere) and previously published work.
  • Submissions will close when they reach their submission cap, so check their website and Chill Subs page for updates.
  • Please keep in mind that each issue will only include 5 poems, 5 prose pieces, and 1-2 essays/creative nonfiction pieces. They seek to maintain around a 5% acceptance rate.


What They Want

  • Poetry submissions are limited to 3 poems.
  • Prose submissions are limited to 2 submissions, each under 3,000 words.
  • Creative Nonfiction submissions are limited to 2 submissions, each under 3,000 words.
  • Submissions do not need to be in English, but non-English pieces must include a translation for accessibility purposes.

Eligibility Criteria 

  • They are open to all poetry, prose, and creative nonfiction from those who identify as Middle Eastern, regardless of where they reside.
  • Since the designation “Middle Eastern” is deeply complex itself, they allow submitters to decide if The Rumi Review is the right place for their work.
  • There are no entry or reading fees 


Author Rights 

By submitting your work to The Rumi Review, you are giving them consent to publish and feature your work on their website if it is accepted.

They ask for First North American Serial Rights for unpublished work. You (the writer) will retain all legal rights to your work.

Once your work has been published, you may submit it to other publications if you wish, though they ask that you credit The Rumi Review as where your work was first featured.

For previously published work, they ask for non-exclusive archival rights.

How to Submit

  • If you are interested in submitting to The Rumi Review, please send your submission to

Your subject line should read as follows: “Genre – Full Name.” 

  • Each piece you submit should be shared as a separate attachment. 
  • Please include a brief third-person bio for us to include if your work is selected for publication. 
  • Feel free to include which part(s) of the Middle East you identify with.

Good luck! 

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