Purple Shelves Is Accepting Original Novel Manuscripts/ How To Submit (Pay: TBD)
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Purple Shelves Is Accepting Original Novel Manuscripts/ How To Submit (Pay: TBD)

Purple Shelves is excited to announce a call for submissions of truly authentic African and Nigerian unpublished novel manuscripts. 

They seek compelling stories that capture the essence of African experiences and perspectives. You might want to read this article on Tips For Making Your Writing Perfect.


To ensure they consider your manuscript, please adhere to the following guidelines.


General Submission Guidelines For Purple Shelves 

They are particularly interested in:

  • Stories that deeply reflect African and Nigerian cultures, histories, and perspectives.
  • They consider only original and unpublished manuscripts.
  • Novels should be between 80,000 and 120,000 words.



  • Font: Helvetica
  • Font Size: 12 point
  • Line Spacing: Double-spaced
  • Margins: 1 inch on all sides
  • File Format: Submit manuscripts as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx)


Cover Page

Include a cover page with the following information:

  • Title of the manuscript
  • Author’s full name
  • Contact information (email and phone number)
  • Word count


What They Don’t Want

To maintain the quality and focus of their publications, Purple Shelves does not accept:

  • They won’t consider manuscripts that have already been published in any form.
  • Submissions that do not primarily reflect African and Nigerian experiences and perspectives.
  • Incomplete or unformatted manuscripts that don’t follow the formatting and submission guidelines provided.


Submission Process for Purple Shelves 

To submit your manuscript, follow these steps:

1. Ensure your manuscript follows the formatting guidelines and includes a cover page with the required information.

2. Send your manuscript to submissions@purpleshelves.com.

3. Use the subject line “Novel Submission: [Your Title]”.


Eligibility Criteria

  • Submissions are open to all authors who can produce high-quality manuscripts that reflect African and Nigerian experiences. 
  • There is no entry fee.


Author Rights At Purple Shelves 

Authors retain the copyright to their work. Purple Shelves typically acquires first publication rights, meaning the work is first published by them but can be republished elsewhere after a specified period.

Contributors are credited for their work, ensuring proper recognition for their contributions.



They value the contributions of its authors and provides fair compensation for selected manuscripts. Payment details will be discussed with the selected authors upon acceptance.



Submission Timeline: July 1 — August 20, 2024

They will contact selected authors in October 2024. Do not delay in sending them your eloquently written stories.

More questions? You can visit their social media page.


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