Paddling Magazine Is Accepting Pitches/ How To Submit (Pay: $0.20/ word)
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Paddling Magazine Is Accepting Pitches/ How To Submit (Pay: $0.20/ word)

Paddling Magazine, encompassing Adventure Kayak, Canoeroots, and Rapid, is a quarterly publication dedicated to paddlesports enthusiasts.

They seek engaging content covering a range of topics from adventure stories to gear reviews and paddling news. If you are having a problem with your writing, please read this article: How to Overcome Writer’s Block (10 Tips + Personal Examples) 


Submission Guidelines For Paddling Magazine

  • Include a headline, a 200-word summary, photo ideas, proposed word count, and relevance to the magazine’s readership.
  • Diversity in sources is encouraged.
  • For photography submissions, focus on action, composition, and lighting.


What Paddling Magazine Wants

  • Expert buying advice
  • Destination ideas
  • Latest paddling news
  • Informative service pieces
  • Adventure travel narratives
  • Profiles of engaging paddling personalities
  • Investigative stories on paddling issues


What They Don’t Want

  • Rehashed topics without a fresh angle
  • Content not relevant to paddlesports enthusiasts


Eligibility Criteria

  • Contributors must align with the magazine’s tone and style.
  • Diverse perspectives are welcomed.
  • Photography submissions should meet quality standards.
  • There is no entry fee.


Author Rights

  • Author retains rights to their work.
  • Submissions may be edited for clarity and style.



  • Payment is $0.20 per word.
  • Payment terms are outlined in the contributor agreement.


More Information

  • Queries should be sent to
  • Due to the volume of submissions, responses may take up to six to eight weeks.


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