Merky Books New Writers Prize / How to Apply (Prize: Publishing Contract)
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Merky Books New Writers Prize / How to Apply (Prize: Publishing Contract)

#Merky Books New Writers Prize is open to unpublished and un-agented fiction writers aged between 18 and 35 who are currently a resident in the UK or ROI.

#Merky Books is an award-winning imprint launched in 2018 by Stormzy and Penguin Random House UK with a clear ambition to publish books that will own – and change – the mainstream. Their aim is to publish the stories that will allow a new generation of writers and readers across the UK to see themselves represented more regularly within the pages of a book. This year they are excited to launch the fourth #Merky Books New Writers’ Prize. They are choosing to focus on fiction alone. 

Learning about themes in fiction can help you write a better manuscript ready for submission.

Eligibility for Merky Books New Writers Prize

They are looking for unpublished and un-agented writers aged between 18 and 35 who are currently a resident in the UK or ROI. If you have a manuscript you are working on, or an idea ready to be put onto paper, they want to hear from you.

Submissions Guideline 

  • Fill in the application form by midnight on Tuesday 29th August, 2023.
  • They are asking for a 200-word synopsis and 1,500-word extract for works of fiction.
  • This year #Merky Books New Writers Prize will focus on literary and commercial fiction. Learn how to write and improve your fictional story.
  • Only un-agented and un-published writers are welcome to submit.
  • One submission per applicant.

Prize for Merky Books Writers Prize

  • The winner of the New Writers’ Prize will receive a publishing contract with #Merky Books.
  • All shortlisted writers will also be invited to our Writers’ Camp. There, they will be able to participate in writing workshops, panel talks, editorial one-to-ones, and meet the #Merky Books team.
  • The prize will also aim to provide all applicants:
  1. The tools
  2. Information and
  3. access they need to develop their ideas, progress their writing and set off on the path to publication.


Submissions end by midnight on Tuesday 29th August 2023

For more FAQ or clarifications visit their website or send a message to Merky Books Instagram account.

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