Salamander Magazine is Currently Accepting Submissions/ How to Apply (Prize: Publication + Payment)
Salamander Magazine is currently accepting submissions for publication. It is a biannual online publication that publishes features, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction; Their reading period for 2022-2023 commenced in October and would end April 1, with a holiday break between late December and early January. Manuscripts sent outside of this reading period will not be regarded.
Salamander Magazine is committed to participating in the ongoing conversation and practice regarding inclusion and equity. To this end, they encourage submissions from underrepresented voices and writers from marginalized communities.
Eligibility for Salamander Magazine Submissions
- There is no reading fee
- Anyone is welcome to apply, especially underrepresented writers/ writers from marginalized communities.

Submission Guidelines for Salamander
- The online magazine does not accept simultaneous submissions. If your story is accepted elsewhere, please withdraw it using the submission manager. If one or more of your poems is accepted and you would still like them to consider the remaining poems, please let them know by emailing the managing editor — Katie Sticca at
- Please do not send more than one submission at a time, or more than one genre at a time.
- For Poetry: Submit no more than five poems at a time. They request that you only send one submission per reading period.
- For Fiction and Non-fiction: Submit one story or memoir at a time. They only accept one submission per reading period.
- For Flash Fiction and Flash Non-fiction: Submit up to three flash pieces in either fiction or nonfiction at a time. They request that you only send one submission per reading period.
- Please use the submission manager to submit your work electronically, or send a hard-copy manuscript of previously unpublished work and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:Editors
English Department
Suffolk University
8 Ashburton Place
Boston, MA 02108
- Salamander promises that there is a pay for all contributors, however, they are unable to disclose payment prior to acceptance.
If you wish to apply to more creative writing contests, follow this page.